Digital marketing is a strategy if you will be new, but it has proven to be effective in improving the presence of a business and thus favoring its growth. This strategy is made up of many tools that, well developed, lead us to success.
But more than seeing digital marketing as a set of tools that work on their own, we must understand that the whole is what guarantees the success that I was talking about earlier and, to ensure a successful whole, we must be aware of what our responsibilities are regarding it so that the result of our work is genuinely favorable for the activities that are carried out in other departments.
Yes, what I mean is that everyone who works with Internet marketing must know it thoroughly and adapt their work to add to the whole of the company; at the end of the day, each department must merge into one.
Whoever creates content must understand SEO and the stages that an individual within our target goes through until they become a buyer.
Whoever measures the marketing campaign results must be clear about the campaign’s objectives and their strategies in other marketing units.
Being that our work philosophy and in search of the best results, let’s see what each member of a web design and digital marketing company needs to know, even though this is not their area of work.
Search engine optimization is currently highly sought-after knowledge for digital marketing; let’s remember that if we work oriented towards optimization, it is more likely that we will have the results we expect.
Now, there is much to know about optimization, and we do not expect the person who creates the content to be an expert in loading time of a Web page, much less, but in what directly affects their work.
The example of the creator of the content comes in handy because a lot of the optimization is based on this element, and therefore they should know what:
Currently, especially when using WordPress as a content manager, you can help improve SEO web positioning with plugins that ensure that the most basic is fulfilled; an example of these plugins is Yoast SEO.
Everyone who works on the marketing team needs to understand the value of content and its look. Many of that outside of content creation doesn’t care about how the user receives that content, i.e., whether it’s enjoyable, practical, etc., or not.
Even within the content creation department, the reader experience is overlooked, negatively affecting the result.
One of the most relevant web page and marketing trends regarding how to design web pages is easily digestible content, which is achieved by segmenting the information into small paragraphs.
The creation of titles and subtitles helps the segmentation I am talking about according to the presented information. Each topic change should be preceded by a subheading that allows the reader to find what he is looking for.
You should know that content is not read from top to bottom on the Internet, readers do a quick scan, and if they do not find anything of value at first glance, they leave the page searching for another.
For me, this is one of the tools that every member of the marketing team must know. I am not just discussing planning the content concerning the time it is published, but planning its objective as it is targeted.
Later we will see that each element of the marketing team must know about the stages a user goes through to become a consumer, but from now on, I tell you that you need to plan the creation of content for these different stages.
Planning leads us to assess each piece of content created correctly, which benefits the strategy; It is not about creating content to make a bundle, but rather it is about creating quality content that is truly useful for our target in its different stages.
As I told you in the previous section, each element of the marketing team must know that each aspect of the target can be in a different stage, and for that, content adjusted to what they are looking for must be created.
For example, at an early stage, an element of our target may not have realized that it needs to cover that need or does not see it as a priority. It is the job of whoever creates the content to make it relevant to the target element to begin the conversion process.
Just as there are elements of our target that are still in very early stages, there are also those who have become interested in our offer and need content to decide. Those who have already been converted need content to stay loyal to our brand.
Must address each of these elements and each of these stages must address each of these elements and each of these stages in content planning for the strategy to be a success, but most importantly; each component of the marketing team must know and be aware that must create the content must create the content with these characteristics.
Undoubtedly, even if we are not in charge of the social media strategy, we must be aware that it is key to digital marketing.
More than being aware, each team element must understand what the strategies that must take are must take in social networks, especially those who manage the marketing budget.
As for social networks, the myth has been created that can do everything for free, and the truth is that this is not necessarily the case; every day, it is necessary to pay for advertising on social networks.
It has been shown that, although it can achieve growth organically, it is also true that this growth is prolonged since it depends on the willingness of the members of our public to participate in each social network.
Investment in advertising on social networks is an aspect that the entire marketing team must know and accept to optimize the results.
It is essential to pay for advertising on social networks, and it is also necessary to know the best strategy, so that said investment leaves the expected results. In social networks, it is not about placing an ad but stimulates the performance of the action we want.
As you can see, we are still on social networks, and we are still talking about paying for advertising, only this time, we are no longer doing it directly to the social network but the most popular actors on it.
It is no secret to anyone that, since the birth of social networks, there are characters who have become popular in these media and whose presence influences a specific audience. Influencers allow a brand to have a face that it can be associated with, resulting in benefits for the said brand, significantly to gain users’ trust with your website.
The marketing team must be aware that using these elements is essential, but it is also vital to know that they should be moderate. Above all, we must understand that influencers are not chosen at random but rather are chosen according to the target they want to reach.
It is also essential to know that an influencer is not taken out of character to advertise, but rather is left to interact naturally with the product and the brand; that is more attractive and natural for the target.
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