Must evaluate the performance of your web page to know if it is successful or needs some improvements, but how to measure the SEO of a website? In this step-by-step, I will tell you the leading SEO metrics that you should consider when examining how your website is doing.
There must be many tips that come to you to encourage you to achieve a good web positioning in Internet search engines, right? But does anyone explain exactly how to do it? Have they taught you how to measure the SEO and positioning of your website? I’ll bet the answer is a resounding no!
There are many SEO “masters” out there who prescribe but who are not capable of curing the pain themselves. That is why I have prepared a simple and effective step by step to tell you how to measure the SEO of your website and what are the leading SEO metrics that you must monitor very closely so that you achieve the ‘much appreciated’ good positioning of your website in Internet search engines like Google.
Meanwhile, I will tell you what these SEO metrics are and how to measure and analyze them to help you improve your SEO web positioning and your sales through your page, shall we?
A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) or Key Performance Indicator is an indicator or metric that can measure to obtain helpful information about how efficient and profitable the SEO efforts implemented on a web page are. In summary, the KPIs appeared precisely to measure the SEO of a website.
Evaluating the SEO metrics (KPI) will be very helpful to know if a web page is on the right track or if it is necessary to define a new route of action to achieve the objectives in web positioning.
These indicators offer very exact and objective data that can positively influence the performance of your website. Evaluating the KPIs will be beneficial to know if a page is on the right track or if it is necessary to define a new path of action to achieve the expected performance and objectives.
To access the SEO metrics and KPI, you must have a statistics system such as Google Analytics installed on your website, correctly installed on your website, for example, through the Google Tag Manager tool, from where we can get its full potential, since which, in addition to being accessible and from Google, gives a fantastic amount of information. If your website does not have Google Analytics installed, let us know, and we will install it for you in a jiffy!
Returning to the KPIs, every digital marketing and web positioning campaign must include the evaluation of this data in its line of action, for example, within an SEO audit, because in this way, said the campaign will be able to count on quantifiable and relevant information to strengthen the planned strategy.
However, many SEO experts fail because, as there is a wide variety of SEO metrics (KPI), they do not know which ones are the most convenient and why. So you must learn to do SEO web analysis like an expert!
The most important SEO metrics to measure web positioning
Visits, sessions, and other organic SEO metrics
Organic sessions are visits to your website from search engines like Google.
They represent all the actions executed by the user on the web page, from when they enter to when they leave the web, and each session is measured during a specific time.
Gaining the most significant number of organic visits to a page is one of the main objectives of any SEO web positioning strategy, so measuring this KPI in the short, medium, and long term will allow you to have a clear idea about the effect that the efforts, changes and SEO strategies that you are implementing on your website.
At the same time, knowing this data is essential to see the effects of an offline advertising campaign outside the Internet. Why? Simple! You see, if you have an effective advertising campaign, your organic sessions should increase as your brand is gaining an audience, which should translate into more searches for your company on web search engines, such as Google, which means more organic traffic and an increase in click-through rate (CTR).
Suppose you wonder what you can do to increase the organic visits to your web page. In that case, you can start by creating titles, meta descriptions, and calls to action (CTA) that are genuine, persuasive, and attractive for users because this way, you will achieve that when seeing these texts in the results list of web search engines, it will arouse interest in knowing what you offer on your web page, and they will click to visit it.
The correct use of the keywords of a website and being successful when searching for keywords will determine your visibility in web search engines, which influences the organic traffic you obtain and the classification that web search engines will give you as Google.
Without a doubt, evaluating daily, if possible, how your specific keywords are positioned will help you deal with any irregularities preventing you from increasing your ranking position in web search engines. Of course, please do not fall into the swampy terrain of keyword over-optimization because it can lead to a penalty from web search engines.
In this sense, applications such as SEMRush can be a beneficial tool for obtaining essential data on keywords. They can help you assess this and other metrics for SEO web analysis.
Knowing how many clicks your website gets from web search engines, as well as which sections of your website get the most clicks, will allow you to improve the content of your website and the way you organize it to gain a higher ranking and make that your keywords increase this click rate.
And if you already appear on the first page of the search results, but you still do not get the first position, you can redefine some aspects of your web page to be number one. As for which? Like those that I suggested in the previous point because the CTR is highly related to the keywords and offers a suggestive title and description for the web user.
How to measure SEO with click-through rate? CTR measures the number of clicks you receive, divided by the number of impressions (times your organic “ad” is seen) in the results list.
Getting a high CTR should be one of your main goals because you have gained relevance for specific keywords. It means that your SEO is on the right track! With Google Search Console, you can get a detailed report of your CTR, don’t let it go!
The ultimate goal of gaining organic traffic, having a high CTR, and optimizing for the right keywords is conversions, meaning sales. When a web page aims to sell a product or service, it must focus on the user experience and the conversion rate.
Both aspects require having a web page that is very easy for the user to navigate, has valuable and informative content for the user, clearly shows what it offers and how it offers it, and manages to gain users’ trust. Users with your website that it passes the mobile web user experience test, among other things.
How do you assess if all this is going from strength to strength? Use Google Analytics for this. This tool can be configured to show you helpful information such as, for example, if it is men who buy the most on your website, or is it, women? Which are the pages that attract the most customers, and it will even help you see on which pages the customers abandon the purchase process. There are many other data so that you will discover it little by little!
If your page is getting a lot of clicks, generating traffic, and appearing at the top of the results page, but you are not getting conversions, then there is a severe problem! But you will be able to discover it considering all or some of the aspects that I have left you here. Fortunately, creating the metrics to measure SEO made the metrics to measure SEO precisely for this!
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