You can have everything but potential customers because they don’t know you exist. For what is this? Nowadays, when anyone needs something, the first thing they do is search for it on Google. Therefore, you must appear in the search engine if you want visibility.
Google is at the centre of the search for information. 95% of the traffic generated on the Internet comes through search engines, and 95% comes through Google.
Six out of 10 users who search on Google stay on the first page of Google results. The rest do not go beyond the second. This means that if you are not in the top positions, they will not see you; if they do not see you, you do not exist.
In the days before Google, the tendency was to process the information on large servers, which quickly reached their limits. No matter how large a processor was, at a given moment, it was overwhelmed.
Google, on the other hand, is virtually infinite. It allows ordering and storing information on ordinary computers connected to the network, which works as a single computer.
This made Google conquer native Internet companies and catapulted them with an ambitious goal: “organize the world’s information and make it accessible and useful for all users.”
Appearing in Google, translated to the business world, is called SEO Positioning. Before we get into SEO positioning, you should first know that Google updates and adjusts the algorithms almost daily.
The second thing is that positioning yourself in the first results of Google increases the chances of attracting customers and earning money. Positioning is a puzzle, which I am going to help you fit.
The main objective of your business should be to drive traffic to your page; traffic should be converted into qualified leads and qualified leads into potential customers. Ok, now that this puzzle is starting to fit together…how do we do it?
SEO, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimisation- are the set of actions and techniques used to improve the positioning (visibility) in search engines of a website on the Internet within the organic results in search engines.
To do this, search engines collect the list of pages on the web and order it according to their algorithm. These algorithms are updated from time to try to offer the user the results that best match the search they have made.
When a user performs a search, the various websites that have indexed that keyword will appear in a list of Google results. These web pages rank in the organic search results, and the positioning of your web page is, therefore, key to reaching more customers interested in the products or services you offer.
Offering quality, helpful content expressly created for your target audience is essential. At all times, we must provide the digital content that our potential audience is looking for so that they can find us effectively and love our brand.
When we write or create original and quality content, keywords originate more naturally, and we reach our goal more quickly.
Before producing new content, ensure that what is being published adds value to your audience.
Use the keywords adequately throughout the text, the title, subtitles, captions, and videos. You should know that Google penalizes the excess of keywords in a text. Another critical factor is the title. The keywords must be within the text pieces such as titles, subtitles… And these must be related to each other.
If you want to increase your ranking in search engines, start by adding quality links to each piece of content on your website.
The “URLs” contain the shortest summary of the page. This should describe as best as possible what the page or content that will read next is about.
Also, users must understand if the page will meet their needs without loading it in their browsers.
Images also represent an opportunity to drive traffic to the website. The image and page content must be related. This allows Google to contextualize the image, and it will be more likely to show it in the results.
First of all, the most important habit for a marketer to foster is understanding what trends are being promoted right now and being able to translate them for their own company or clients.
Don’t focus on selling; focus on the customer. Build trust, and make them feel that the brand cares and their need is a priority. Today, it is the customer experience that guarantees success.
It will help if you put yourself in your client’s shoes that you look from his perspective. Enter his mind, observe, and you will experience the same as your client. It is the only way to understand your client’s needs and what will make you create good content.
Useful, quality and more personalized content. Entering the mind of your client is the most potent exercise in creativity.
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