Following much uproar, WhatsApp has abandoned the idea of pushing its users to accept the latest privacy policy by May 15.
WhatsApp had now gained it mandatory for all users to get the latest guidelines by May 15 to continue using the services of the messaging app.
However, as per the newest reports, the company will no longer claim its users to allow it, and not comprehending the policies will not commence the deletion of accounts. Thus, WhatsApp has remained at the end of users ever since it started the new privacy policies.
A WhatsApp spokesperson said no user would lose access to their WhatsApp account if they do not accept the new terms and policies following the May 15 deadline.
While most users who have received the new terms of service have accepted them, we comprehend some people haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet.
No accounts will remove because of this update, and no one will drop the functionality of WhatsApp either. We will catch up with suggestions to people over the next few weeks,” the company stated.
The new extension does not solely mean that users can get continuously by not accepting the new privacy policy. It just indicates that WhatsApp is urging the deadline.
The statement also states that WhatsApp will continue sending notices for a few more weeks. Still, nobody, for now, will drop access to their accounts even if they do not admit the new privacy policy quickly.
WhatsApp had begun to roll out the new terms of service and privacy policy on February 8 but saw the variety of acknowledgment it received from users. As a result, the company had to delay the deadline to May 15.
There was minimal information regarding what the new privacy policy intends for users. However, it was being expected that WhatsApp will share private data, chats of users with Facebook.
Because of the uncertainty throughout new guidelines, some users migrated to other messaging apps like Signal and Telegram.
However, WhatsApp was examined to realize the air about its new terms of service through different campaigns and gave several time to users to know what it truly means.
WhatsApp, through its status, notified users that the chats are end-to-end encrypted and not even WhatsApp can locate them. So instead, the sender and the receiver can only access the discussions/chats.
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